WWDTM Statistics

As previously noted, I am an avid fan of NPR’s weekly quiz show Wait, Wait… Don’t Tell Me! (although some may call it a mini-obsession). With that mini-obsession, I have built a database of various information and statistics about the each show, panelists and guests, and built a web page that presents the collected information and generated statistics. So far, I have entered in some information for shows since the beginning of 2005 and am continually adding more panelist and guest scores as time allows. I am also including quick summaries and notes for each show and my rating of each show (on a scale of 10, 1 being meh, not my thing and 10 being freaking rocks!!!). Feel free to peruse and submit any questions, corrections and comments to this blog post.

WWDTM in Portland

This post is several days late, but… I have been an avid fan of NPR’s Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me! for several years, I had a chance to go to a recording session when they visited Portland, Oregon last Thursday. All I can say is that you miss out on a lot of the antics of the panelists and the interaction with the audience. Much of this is due to the fact that they can only squeeze in so much into about 50 minutes when they broadcast the show. For instance, the first listener round of questions lasted about 3 times longer than what was broadcasted, but what was cut out was just as interesting as the news items themselves. Then there was a bit about the Ficus tree that was on stage, which Peter had some fun with. Another piece that was completely …