Progress Update on Wait Wait Stats Page Version 3.0 Development

Over the past week, I have been working on adding a few small touches and fixing a few lingering bugs on the soon-to-be-released Wait Wait Stats Page Version 3.0.

One of the small touches that I added was to the graph displaying each panelists’s point spread. The graph now includes the count of number of times a panelist has scored that amount above the corresponding score. Below is what the graph looks like for Alonzo Bodden:

Updated Panelist Information Block
Updated Panelist Information Block

You will also notice that I have also included the score for each panelist appearance listed below the graph when you view the detailed panelist stats and what position the panelist finished.

Updated Show Block

The other new addition to the each of the show details are arrows next to each host, scorekeeper, panelist and guest that links to their respective details page.

I still have a bit clean-up left to do within the code and last bits of optimization to complete before the site goes live the morning of January 31st.

Previewing Wait Wait Stats Page Version 3.0

Update: I have finished re-writing the code that generates the panelist score breakdown graph and it will be deployed along with the new Stats Page.

If you follow me on Twitter (@questionlp), you may have seen my recent tweets about a new version of the Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me! Stats Page, including two sneak peek screenshots.

For over a year, I have been dabbling with new design options for the Wait Wait Stats Page, as well as fighting with the original code to add a few new features that have been requested over the years. In the past two months or so, I finally sat down and started sketching out a new design and working in earnest on wireframes and prototypes. It was one of my New Year’s resolutions to get a new version of the site coded and published.

Looking at the current site, the design is very monolithic with oneĀ huge table per year all on one page. That designed worked fairly well when the page only had one or two years of data; but, is failing miserably now with 15 years worth of data.

Current Stats Page
Current Stats Page

The one design decision that I am thankful of making early on in the current site’s development was to normalize the tables and database. I think that saved my sanity by the time I needed to add additional tables to store additional panelist score breakdown and guest host/guests scorekeepers data. I was also stuck on choosing which web framework to use to build the new site. After a while, I settled down on using a very simple PHP framework and coded the data processing and abstraction on my own.

I would have to say that the biggest requirement that I had for the new Stats Page was to make it mobile friendly and as lightweight as possible. I immediately ditched the idea of using XHTML and embraced HTML5 and CSS 3, plus made all of the page elements modular. As you can see from the screenshots in this preview, the pages were rendered using Chrome running on an iPad.

So on with the tour of the new Wait Wait Stats Page! When you first land on the Stats Page, you’ll immediately see a few of the major changes up front. First, there’s a navigation menu on the left side of the page that will allow you to browse shows by year, view panelist information on its own page, as well as view information about the hosts and scorekeepers. Please note that the “Internal ID” numbers you’ll see in these screenshots will not appear on the live site and are used for debugging purposes only.

Stats Page Version 3.0: Home Page
Stats Page Version 3.0: Home Page

Instead of inundating you with information from every single show on the main page, you will get to see stats for shows from the past month. You’ll also notice that on pages that display multiple shows at one time, there is now a way to sort the listing based on show date to your liking.

Continue reading“Previewing Wait Wait Stats Page Version 3.0”

Links to Newer WWDTM Shows on Not Quite Working

Due to a very recent Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me! site redesign on, and restructuring of the URLs for shows starting with January 2006, links for those sites on the Stats Page no longer bring up that specific show on NPR’s site.

Up until recently, the URL format for each individual show (starting with the 2006-01-07 show) on was:<four-digit year>-<two-digit month>-<two-digit day>

Now, individual show URL format includes some unique identifier slapped in the middle of the URL:<four-digit year>/<two-digit month>/<two-digit day>/<unique identifier>/?showDate=<four-digit year>-<two-digit month>-<two-digit day>

Until I can work out a way to programmatically generate links to individual shows after 2005 to include that unique identifier, those links will just end up redirecting to the main Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me! site on

I apologize for the inconvenience. /sigh

When was the last time a panelist won?

Ever wonder when was the last time that a panelist came in first place or tied for first after the Lightning Fill-in-the-Blank on Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me!? Right now, the current version of the Stats Page does not include that information in the “Panelists Statistics” section of the page; but, it is something that I am planning on adding to the next version of the page.

Until then, you can use this page to view that information, which will be updated periodically.

Last Time Each Panelist Has Finished the Lightning Fill-in-the-Blank Round in First Place

Panelist Show
Adam Felber 2014-01-11
Alison Stewart 2009-01-31
Alonzo Bodden 2013-09-07
Amy Dickinson 2013-04-27
Brian Babylon 2012-03-10
Charlie Pierce 2013-11-23
Claudia Perry 2000-02-12
Evan Smith 2001-11-10
Faith Salie 2013-12-14
Jessi Klein 2013-10-12
Karen Grigsby Bates 2004-03-27
Kyrie O’Connor 2013-12-07
Luke Burbank 2012-11-03
Maz Jobrani 2011-12-17
Mo Rocca 2013-11-16
Nick Hancock 2011-12-24
P.J. O’Rourke 2010-10-30
Patt Morrison 2001-07-14
Paul Provenza 2009-05-09
Paula Poundstone 2013-09-21
Peter Grosz 2013-01-19
Richard Roeper 2005-05-28
Roxanne Roberts 2013-12-21
Roy Blount, Jr. 2013-03-09
Sue Ellicott 2006-09-30
Tom Bodett 2013-05-18

Last Time Each Panelist Has Finished the Lightning-Fill-in-the-Blank Round in First or Tied for First Place

Panelist Show
Adam Felber 2014-01-11
Alison Stewart 2009-01-31
Alonzo Bodden 2013-09-07
Amy Dickinson 2013-04-27
Angela Nissel 2007-03-31
Brian Babylon 2013-08-03
Charlie Pierce 2013-11-23
Claudia Perry 2000-02-12
Evan Smith 2001-11-10
Faith Salie 2013-12-14
Jessi Klein 2013-10-12
Karen Grigsby Bates 2004-03-27
Ken Jennings 2013-06-01
Kyrie O’Connor 2013-12-07
Luke Burbank 2012-11-03
Maz Jobrani 2013-01-26
Mo Rocca 2013-11-16
Nick Hancock 2011-12-24
P.J. O’Rourke 2010-10-30
Patt Morrison 2001-07-14
Paul Provenza 2010-07-31
Paula Poundstone 2013-11-02
Peter Grosz 2013-01-19
Richard Roeper 2005-05-28
Roxanne Roberts 2013-12-21
Roy Blount, Jr. 2013-06-01
Sue Ellicott 2006-09-30
Tom Bodett 2013-05-18

The data in the above tables were last updated on 2014-01-14 and does not include ties. If a panelist does not appear in either table, it means that that panelists never came in first or tied for first after the Lightning Fill-in-the-Blank round.

Visiting NYC for the special Wait Wait Cinecast

First, I want to apologize greatly for not posting anything on this blog forĀ months, particularly updates on the WWDTM Stats Page. Well, there have been several major and minor developments on the Stats Page.

With that said, I had the awesome opportunity to see the Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me! special cinecast event at the source, from the NYU Skirball Center for the Performing Arts, on 2 May 2013. Thanks to the gang, I was able to score a seat with a direct view of the Wait Wait set, and just a few rows back. This made up for the fact that I couldn’t meet with Peter, Carl, Paula, Tom or Mo before or after the show.

Based on reports from friends that saw the cinecast screened at local theaters, they were able to see my distinctive blue jacket and ogreish build as the camera panned through the audience throughout the show. Due to the excessive amount of time required to get through the Not My Job segment, the Listener Limerick Challenge segment and post-show Q&A did not make it into the cinecast part streamed into the theaters. During the post-show Q&A, I raised my hand and Peter called on me and mentioned that I was the guy that runs the Stats Page. /swoon.

I am, still, very happy that I was able to travel to NYC and see the show. Below are a few photos that I was able to take and actually came out looking pretty good.

02 May 2013 WWDTM at NYU Skirball Center

I want to thank to the Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me! crew for providing me with a ticket and a great seat.

All show descriptions entered

I have finished entering in show descriptions for all Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me! shows from the very beginning up to the latest show; as well as, going back and cleaning up the description for the earliest shows.

The next set of statistics that I will start collecting and entering are the Not My Job and panelist scores for the shows that I have audio for. I will work on collecting Bluff the Listener information as well. The latter will be displayed in the next version of the Stats Page.